Benefits of Ruthab Kurma

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Benefits of ruthab dates. In addition to health, young dates are believed to have benefits for couples who want to have a baby soon. Young red dates can increase fertility and maintain male vitality. While women in childbirth can consume yellow and green dates are rich in calcium and iron content.

Below are the other benefits you can feel from the young dates:

(1) Botosin hormone has an important role to increase peristaltic movement in the blood vessels and uterus (womb) in women, so as to increase fertility;

(2) Some Islamic health experts advise to consume yellow and dried dates together. Dates are dry and cold, while dried dates are moist and hot. Two dates with different properties are believed to neutralize drugs and foods that enter the body;

(3) Eating young dates can help the wife during intercourse with her husband. Because, the content in the dates can cause stimulation of smooth muscle in the uterus in order to contract. This also applies when the wife is giving birth;

(4) Dates can also be an alternative for breastfeeding mothers who have difficulty getting leaf katuk. The content of oxytocin in this fruit can increase the production of milk for the baby;

(5) The benefits of young dates for health include controlling blood pressure, maintaining eye health and taking care of your skin to stay healthy (vitamin A), lowering your chances of oral cancer, raising heart performance, preventing strokes, and improving your memory.

Dates are safe to eat directly or processed into drinks. If you and your partner want to process it, dry the fruit until it can be crushed into date palm. Then, mix with honey as much as one teaspoon and brewed with warm water. Drinking water dates and honey is about half an hour before intercourse. Consumption regularly for maximum results.
